Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes!!! Every kind. Grape Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, big Tomatoes, Pear Tomatoes. We will be giving them away this year!
Cucumbers, they didn't work last year. Keep your fingers crossed this year!
Zucchini and Squash, we will be making lots of stirfry or roasted veggies!
PEPPERS!!!! We have Jalapeno, Poblano, Anaheim, Hot Cherry, Bell Peppers in every color (green, yellow, orange, red, and even purple). We will be making lots of salsa!
Herbs, Broccoli, and Swiss Chard. The broccoli and swiss chard are new to us this year, I hope they work.
If this works, I will be so happy. This is Citranella, it is to help keep the mosquitos away. Last year, I think we had super mosquitos, they would bite even through the OFF!!!
This is Frank after a long weekend of planting the garden. He is so happy with the end product. Now he can't wait to start harvesting!!!!!
Geez louise! I wish I could do must have gotten the green thumb of the family...Addison brought home carrots that they were growing in a ziploc baggy in the window of their classroom. We planted them yesterday. We'll see how that goes!!!